Hello Noisettes, our cousin Nehemiah Bester, known as Josh Lewis to some of us is the associate producer for this series on PBS, The Riot Report|AmericanExperience|PBS. It’s on President LBJ’s riot commission in 1967.

Congratulations Joshua Lewis!

Nehemiah ‘Josh’ is the son of Loretta Lawrence, the daughter of John Lawrence, the son of Rosella Noisette (1910-1998) and Herbert Lawrence, the daughter of Walter Scott Noisette (1877-1965), the son of Joseph Noisette 91848-1905), the son of Alexander Noisette (1804-1853), the son of Philippe S. Noisette (1773-1835), the son of Joseph Noisette (1738-1813), Christophe Noisette (1710-1770).–

