Nehemiah Bester – The Riot Report

Hello Noisettes, our cousin Nehemiah Bester, known as Josh Lewis to some of us is the associate producer for this series on PBS, The Riot Report|AmericanExperience|PBS. It’s on President LBJ’s riot commission in 1967. Congratulations Joshua...

Noisette Reunion 2023 Closing Letter

Dear Family, we did it again. We’ve once again woven the fabric of our family’s history and love into a beautiful tapestry. Heartfelt gratitude extends to each one of you for gracing us with your presence, for coming together as cousins both known and...

Noisette Reunion 2023 Information

Hello family, we are in the final stages of planning. What started out as a small numberattending the reunion, has now grown to a much larger than expected group. A few changes havebeen made to be able to accommodate everyone. Attached is a shortened version of our...

Noisette Reunion 2023 Update

Hello family, We are ready to start registration for the Noisette Reunion 2023, July 27-30,2023.We have a tentative schedule in place. Unfortunately, the museum did not open as scheduledbecause of humidity/air condition problems, but we must move forward with the...

Noisette Family Reunion 2018 Information

August 2-5, 2018 in Charleston, SC In 2018, we will celebrate our sixth Noisette reunion in 10 years, uniting an overwhelming number of Noisette descendants in Charleston, New Jersey and France. Already we are expecting a record turnout from the US, Haiti, and...
Noisette Reunion 2015 : Closing Letter

Noisette Reunion 2015 : Closing Letter

Hello Family, What a fantastic reunion! After many months of planning, it is hard to believe that the 2015 Noisette Reunion has actually come and gone. We hope you enjoyed the activities that were arranged. The reception which displayed the family trees, documents,...