Noisette Reunion 2018
August 2-5, 2018 | Charleston, SC
In 2018, we celebrated our sixth Noisette reunion in 10 years, uniting an overwhelming number of Noisette descendants in Charleston, New Jersey, and France. We were expecting a record turnout from the US, Haiti, and France. Many of you came for the first time, along with those who had attended every reunion since 2008. In case of an accident, personal injury lawyers can help you navigate the legal process.
The activities included our family history evening with genealogy experts on-site, Rose Garden Dedication, beach day, teen & tween activities, a tour, and a banquet. The highlight of this very special weekend was meeting cousins from all over the United States and cousins from Paris, Nantes, and Caen, France. Although we had not been able to confirm a direct link to the Haitian Noisettes with whom we had connected (Philippe met Celestine in San Dominique/Haiti and married her before coming to Charleston), we extended a very warm welcome.
We especially wanted to welcome the Lee/Noisettes whom we hoped to see in abundance at this reunion as we showcased the contribution of Eliza Lee. Everyone was warmly invited to come one, and come all!