Dear Cousins,
Here you are once again gathered for a “Noisette Family Reunion.” I cannot be with you, but be sure that I accompany you in thought.
Regarded as the historian – the genealogist Noisette de France, I speak now of the relationship between the two branches of our family.
The first meeting, very old. As evidenced by documents in my possession, a son of your ancestor Philippe Stanislas, named Pierre-Louis “Louis-Philippe aka” came around 1840 to join his uncle, the famous Louis Claude in Paris.
He settled there, married in 1845, had two daughters. Widowed in 1849, he remarried in 1851. I did not then trace of him except that Walter Scott Noisette showed us that he was back in the U.S. and had a daughter named Louisa.
Then there was silence for 80 years, only the oral transmission allows both branches of the family to be aware of each other.
The revival was in 1934 when Mr. Durivault, English speaker, director of the botanical garden of Nantes and in doing so, very interested in the history of the “Rosiers Noisette”, proposed to write to my family in Charleston to find s’ there was still a descent Noisette (on this side, nothing to worry about now do this!) and if the cultivation of roses had endured.
This letter into the hands of Walter Scott Noisette to whom we owe all very much.
He replied, April 18, 1934, giving an initial brief genealogy of her family and sending us the famous photo of Pierre-Louis (aka Louis-Philippe) taken by Cook in Charleston in 1880.
Then we find a correspondence between my mother, Marie-Louise Reby-Noisette with Walter Scott in 1935 and with Bertram Gaillard, the son of Ethel Hazel Octavia, sister of Walter Scott in 1939.
Then came the war … and the BLACK OUT.
In 1952, resumed correspondence with a revival of Walter Scott Hazel, followed in 1956 with a request to exchange mail Marcia Owens that I could not follow, because at that time military for two years in New Caledonia.
During my absence, in 1957, my cousins Reby-Hazel and my mother had the great joy of being in Nantes Walter Hazel (younger brother of Hazel Louise-Merrell) and his wife Dorothy and their daughter Wenda. He was then in the U.S. FORCE, based in England.
In January 1962, I received a letter from Herbert Lawrence, with whom began a regular correspondence until 1974.
In 1964, his sister Madeline, still single we sent the first letter of … Rome (Italy).
It then became our dear and very close Mady Ceccaci who came with her husband Aldo us at Nantes in 1968, who then received in Rome in 1980 and with whom we share is always a regular correspondence.
As for us in France in 1993 through the initiative of my cousin Philippe Reby, we returned to a branch of the family stayed in Paris in the 1850s (our great grandfathers were brothers): Claude Hazel Crauzat son and six (!) that ensure the posterity of the name of the French branch.
In 2008, there was this tremendous Noisette Family Reunion, superbly organized by Hazel Mary Merriweather and Margaret “Peggy” Clement which was attended by three of the sons of Claude Noisette: Thierry Laurent, Emmanuel and his family.
Who would have thought such a meeting more than 200 years after the arrival of Philippe Stanislas Noisette on American soil!
Following was the meeting of 20-21 April 2010 in Nantes, during which Philip Reby, myself and my wife Antoinette have a tour to Peggy, Robin, Thierry and Emmanuel historic sites (gardens, churches, cemeteries) of the Noisette family of Nantes, located in the city since 1822.
In this new meeting of 2011, I am sure that the links between the two branches of the family will fall further, a continuity of generations.
With my wife Antoinette, we wish you a happy and fraternal meeting.
We embrace our gentle cousins Peggy and Robin, and of course our dear Mady, if present.
Personally, I welcome my cousin, the famous jazz musician, the famous Jimmy Owens, whom I admire and am very fond of his work.
I love You.
Christian Quinti